Endangered species are types of species’ that have a low number of the animal left alive on the planet. I believe that all animals should be treated with the same respect as humans. I can There is a variety of animals become critically endangered species all over the world such as Amur Leopard, Black Rhino and Bornean Orangutan. In particularly, in Vietnam, South China tiger and Asian elephant are two species that face the danger of extinction because human 26/11/ · Endangered Species More than 10 million species are yet to be discovered in the world, many of which are found in the deepest parts of the ocean, some, too small to see
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Globally, endangered species essay, over 14, animal species face a risk of extinction. The reasons for the near extinction include poaching, habitat loss, endangered species essay, human-wildlife conflict, pollution, diseases, climate change, and low birth rates IUCN, Some of the most endangered species include the Javan rhino, African elephants, black rhino, snow leopards, orangutans, the vaquita, Amur leopards, and the eastern lowland gorillas. With the appropriate conservation measure, endangered animals may increase over time. Captive breeding and reintroduction are among the most effective conservation approaches. They involve capturing, breeding, and rearing endangered animals in wildlife reserves, zoos, or aquariums to help increase their numbers.
After a significant number is raised, the animals can then be released back to their natural habitats. Thus, when threats are reduced, the rare species can improve in numbers. Habitat protection is critical in ensuring the safety of endangered animals. Protected areas where endangered species can be placed include nature reserves, national parks, and wildlife refuges. There are various marine reserves and protected areas that prohibit fishing, thus safeguarding the marine species. In this case, New Zealand has several marine reserves that protect sea turtles, aquatic mammals, and some fish species such as manta rays and white pointer sharks Ministry for Primary Industries, n.
Additionally, some laws and regulations safeguard wildlife at state, national, and global levels to prevent animal extinction. In this case, CITES or the Washington convention significantly regulates the global trade of wild animals. This treaty restricts and controls any endangered species essay involving endangered species to ensure they do not become extinct. Nonetheless, appropriate conservation methods such as captive breeding and habitat protection can ensure the continuous reproduction of these species. The enactment of state, national and global laws that safeguard wild animals also promotes the survival of these species.
Human beings have a responsibility to ensure the protection of wild animals and their habitats, endangered species essay. Global warming is one of the biggest threats to animal and plant survival. Endangered species essay accumulation of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, deforestation, and increased agricultural activities are major contributors to this phenomenon. The increased earth temperature associated with global warming has led to climate change resulting in several natural calamities. However, the threat of global warming can be reduced by using renewable energy, endangered species essay, recycling, planting more trees, and lowering the emission of greenhouse gases. Global warming has significant adverse impacts on human beings and the environment.
The extreme heat associated with climate change increases complications from underlying respiratory and heart diseases such as renal failure and asthma and may cause other heat-related disorders. Global warming also increases the risk of storms and drought, affecting food supply, which may cause death to both humans and animals Global Climate Change, Endangered species essay has also been linked to ocean acidification, increased ocean temperature, and rising sea levels. Such occurrences have led to the death of a significant number of marine life. Rather than human actions, global warming may result from natural forces. Human activities such as deforestation, endangered species essay, industrial processes, endangered species essay, and agricultural activities have long been attributed to climate change.
In conclusion, global warming has adverse effects on humans and nature. It exposes humans to heat-related diseases and increases complications of respiratory illnesses such as asthma. Climate change depletes vegetation causing food shortage and death to humans and animals. Similarly, it causes ocean warming and acidification, which destroys marine life. Neaves, T. The climate is changing, but not just because of humans. NBC News, endangered species essay. International Union for Conservation of Nature. African elephant species now endangered and critically endangered — IUCN Red List.
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30/10/ · Status of Endangered Species: Near Threatened Niche of Endangered Species: Primary Consumer The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species is an There is a variety of animals become critically endangered species all over the world such as Amur Leopard, Black Rhino and Bornean Orangutan. In particularly, in Vietnam, South China tiger and Asian elephant are two species that face the danger of extinction because human The benefits of saving endangered species are great in numbers. Many plants and animals hold medicinal, agricultural, commercial and recreational values. They must all be protected and
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