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Essays on drinking and driving

Essays on drinking and driving

essays on drinking and driving

WebDrinking and driving essays. Drinking and driving means the continued or compulsive use of alcohol in a car. The causes and effects of drinking and driving are many. One WebIntroduction. Drinking while driving can be described as getting behind the wheel of a vehicle under the influence of alcohol. DUI (Driving under influence) and DWI (driving while WebDrinking and driving has many consequences that can destroy people's lives. Intoxicated victims of car crashes sustain worse injuries and are more likely to be seriously injured

�� Essay Sample on Drinking and Driving - Free Essay, Term Paper Example |

Drinking while driving can be described as getting behind the wheel of a vehicle under the influence of alcohol, essays on drinking and driving. DUI Driving under influence and DWI driving while intoxicated are also phrases used to describe drunk driving. They describe it as using a motorized vehicle with a blood alcohol content BAC measured from a minimum percentage of 0. Those whose who are at big risk for driving under the influence of alcohol are those who struggle with an alcohol-related disorder of consuming a lot of alcoholic content over a short period. Such consumption affects their mental skills and slows down essays on drinking and driving breathing to that effect, essays on drinking and driving.

Driving under the influence of alcohol is regarded as a serious crime and comes with severe punishment. It is due to drinking and driving that an estimated number of 28 people die every day in the United States whereas, over 10, Americans are annually killed from drunk driving-related car crashes. Out of traffic-related deaths in the United States, drunk driving related accidents account for nearly a third of those. It is due to this that drinking and driving are illegal and comes with severe punishments in most countries globally. Reduced concentration, Intake of a substantial amount of alcohol can affect one's ability in driving in that; it reduces their level which is crucial in driving.

As a result, one is easily able to cause an accident or course highway injuries through careless driving. With reduced level, one's focus is strained, and they are unable to make quick and proper judgments in unexpected situations. Instead, they are slow to react to situations which in most cases are always life and death situations. During the driving, some things require your undivided attention and concentration. Staying in one's drive lane, checking their speed as per the speed limit signs and following the traffic signals are some of the essential aspects to be checked during driving.

However, with alcohol in one's bloodstream, their concentration span is hugely affected and with this their chance of causing an accident is significantly increased. Slow reaction time is some of the side effects of drinking. With essays on drinking and driving content in one's system, their response time is slowed down. Slowed response time is due to the brain taking longer to process information. For instance, if the drunk driver suddenly experiences instant breaks from the car ahead, of them due to an animal crossing, it will take the time to do quick breaks too to avoid an accident in such a situation. Drunk drivers have inhibited judgment, it is from one's brains that certain circumstances are judged, and when operating a car, their judgment plays an essential role in making the critical judgments.

It is from evident judgment skills that one can foresee potential threats during driving and make proper decisions regarding evading Smith, One's judgment helps them stay awake and alert of their surroundings to avoid accidents that crop from minor careless situations caused by fellow drivers, cyclists or pedestrians. Another effect of consumption of alcohol before essays on drinking and driving is decreased vision. Intake of alcohol in one way or the other has impacts on one's vision in that, their vision is not only blurred, but they also find it hard to control their eye movement, essays on drinking and driving. The eyes become heavy and lazier in their eye sockets with no clarity in whatever they see. It due to this that drunk drivers miss lanes miss road signs of saying "bend ahead" and swerve into roadside ditches and forest.

Blurred vision also affects the peripheral view of such drivers. Peripheral vision is what one sees either side of their sight when driving and are looking straight right ahead. With alcohol side effect of decreased vision, there is little to no peripheral view seen by a drunk driver. Also, impaired vision also determines how one judges' car to car distance regarding keeping that standard range between one's car and the other. Under the strong influence, it is difficult to make such judgments hence drunk drivers are prone to minor accidents of hitting other vehicle's bumpers and side mirrors. Consumption of alcohol is risky as it puts anyone in the position of causing an accident or road injuries.

Younger population of ages between 16 to 20 years old have a higher likelihood of getting involved in fatal road accidents as a essays on drinking and driving of drinking than drivers over the age of 21 Merrick, It is due to this that many nations globally are pushing for no alcohol consumption for the young generation to avoid accidents as a result of drinking and driving. It is approximated that ages of between 21 and 24 have the essays on drinking and driving highest drinking and driving related crashes as a high number of persons in that age bracket are mostly involved in binge drinking.

These habits entail taking too much alcohol over a short period to the extent that essays on drinking and driving blood alcohol content surpasses 0, essays on drinking and driving. On drinking and driving laws, each country around the world has its rules and regulations governing drinking and driving. International laws constitute a percentage of 0. It outlines the automobiles that essays on drinking and driving not be operated with alcohol influence as a truck, snowmobile, car, golf cart, motorbikes, bicycles and even jet skis, essays on drinking and driving.

The different drinking and driving convictions included fines, jail times and revoked driving licenses. Some victims of such are involved in community services such as sweeping streets or even rehabilitation processes depending on charges by legal institutions. On the other hand, the different states of America have endorsed various laws targeting mainly the adolescents who consume a lot of alcohol and get behind the wheel to drive. Drinking and driving can affect one's life in some ways. It is from its consequences that families get hurt and relationships are broken. Accidents as a result of drinking and driving snatch families of their loved ones hence miserable experiences and broken marriages. Drinking and driving may also cost one employment opportunity as no one will want to employ those with alcoholic habits as their diver or company drivers.

As such lead to uncalled for losses resulting from consequences of drinking and driving. Other consequences of drinking and driving are financial difficulties, high insurance rates and possible jail terms that rip one of their freedom and development depending on the time spent in jail. There are various ways of avoiding drunk driving accidents that help in promoting road safety. Asking a friend to give one a ride home or calling for a taxi when they are drunk is one such way of avoiding alcohol-related driving accidents Hingson, On the other hand, one can offer to essays on drinking and driving a friend as a kind gesture which can also help avoid any consequences. During parties, essays on drinking and driving, set a designated friend who stays away from alcoholic content, this is a right way of keeping sober so that they can drive the rest of the drunk friends after a night of drinking.

For party hosts, essays on drinking and driving, plenty of non-alcoholic drinks should be offered with plenty of food whereas keeping alcoholic beverages from the minors. In case of drunk friends, party hosts should help arrange for transportation to help such friends arrive home safely. It is not easy detecting drunk drivers for regular road users, but the following will help one judge drunk driving; if they are driving too fast of rather too slow then one should be very careful when approaching such vehicles. Finally, if they are making wild turns regardless of pedestrians crossing signs and are stopping without any reason, then it is to avoid such drivers on driving lane and report as quickly as possible to the nearest traffic police or security persons to intervene before the victims cause grievous accidents.

Hingson, Ralph, essays on drinking and driving. Joav Merrick, M. Mohammed Morad. Essay Sample on Drinking and Driving. If you are the original author of this essay and no longer wish to have it published on the ProEssays website, please click below to request its removal:. Sorry, but it's not possible to copy the text due to security reasons. Solve your problem differently! Provide your email for sample delivery. Avoid editing or writing from scratch! Essay Sample on Drinking and Driving Paper Type: Essay Pages: 6 Wordcount: Words Date: Categories:. Alcoholism Distracted Driving. Introduction Drinking while driving can be described as getting behind the wheel of a vehicle under the influence of alcohol.

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Drunk Driving as a Threat to Road Safety (Updated)

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On the Issue of Drunk Driving - Words | Essay Example

essays on drinking and driving

WebDrinking and driving is a dangerous combination. Drinking impairs your judgment and reaction time, and driving requires both of those things. Drunk driving is one of the WebConclusion. It is disturbing how drinking and driving habits has caused many deaths on our roads. Many road accidents have been associated with careless driving resulting from WebDrinking and driving has many consequences that can destroy people's lives. Intoxicated victims of car crashes sustain worse injuries and are more likely to be seriously injured

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