Oliver Cromwell was neither a hero nor a villain. The evidence and opinions gathered will state, how he went from good to bad, and from bad to evil. Oliver Cromwell, was a puritan Was Oliver Cromwell a hero or a villain? Its answer is really hard to clarify even for some scholars who have had dissimilar opinions about it and have been arguing about him for centuries. 4/11/ · By Cromwell was faced with a difficult decision; should he let the king live and rule or was it better to have him blogger.comsts, MPs and most people in Britain did not
Few figures have excited so much controversy. Decried on the one hand as an ambitious schemer and hypocrite corrupted by power, Cromwell has been acclaimed on the other as a political visionary inspired by God to oliver cromwell hero or villain essay government, law and society. The Interregnum, when monarchy was abolished and England experimented with being a republic, lasted just 11 years from —60, yet it wrought irrevocable change. Was Cromwell the hero or villain of the piece? To even begin to answer the question we need first to follow his extraordinary rise from regular country gentleman to head oliver cromwell hero or villain essay state.
His roots lie in Huntingdon in Cambridgeshire, where he was born in into a distinguished but relatively impoverished squirearchal family. From April he studied at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, leaving suddenly after a year due to the death of his father. The match appears to have been a happy one, producing nine children. As a minor landowner, Cromwell made a living from farming and collecting rents, residing in Huntingdon, then in nearby St Ives from and Ely from to In Cromwell had been elected Member of Parliament for Huntingdon and in he became MP for Cambridge, gaining a reputation as a blunt speaker with a fiery temperament.
Over the next seven years Parliamentarian Roundheads and Royalist Cavaliers tore the country apart. It is astounding to think that before the war Cromwell probably had no previous military experience, yet within less than a decade he rose to Commander-in-Chief of all Parliamentary forces. Cromwell, now raised to prominence, was among those who wanted to parley with the King for a peaceful settlement, but Charles threw in his lot with the Scots, who invaded England to try to restore him to the throne. Cromwell pushed home gains by leading military campaigns oliver cromwell hero or villain essay establish English control over Ireland —50 and Scotland —51and to defeat Charles II and another Scottish-Royalist army at Dunbar and Worcester Monarchy was abolished along with the House of Lords, and a Commonwealth was established.
But unfortunately the so-called Rump Parliament dithered, failing to press ahead with radical social and constitutional reform, all the while locked in mutual hatred with the Army. Cromwell, the only man strong enough to hold power and keep both sides in check, lost patience over lack of progress and forcibly dissolved Parliament in Later that year he proposed and received the office of Lord Protector — King in all but name. He agreed to rule with and through a Council of State and meet regularly with Parliament. The first Protectorate Parliament was elected on a wider franchise than ever before and included MPs from Scotland and Ireland for the first time.
However, amid continuing factional unrest, oliver cromwell hero or villain essay, Cromwell began to act more like a dictator, ruling by decree. While Cromwell wielded authority, Parliament and Army were kept in creative tension and peace was largely maintained. Taxes, including those levied specifically against ex-Royalists, helped to stabilise finances, pay for a standing Army and for reforms. The Navy was also enlarged. Jews were formally readmitted into the country for the first time since The strategy was deeply unpopular. Charles II was restored to the throne in and the backlash against the republican hero began.
Cromwell was declared a traitor, his body hauled from Westminster Abbey and subjected to posthumous execution. Even today mystery surrounds the whereabouts of his remains, although his head was bequeathed in to his old Cambridge college where it is immured in the anti-chapel. The country got on with life under the Merry Monarch Charles II, but Cromwell and the ideals of the Commonwealth were not so easily forgotten. If Cromwell had acted in a despotic manner, it was later argued, this was not due to self-righteous hypocrisy, but because the turbulent times demanded it. Reform had been patchy yet social order had been maintained; the republican experiment had failed but a decisive blow for the rights of Parliament had been struck on the way to fairer government that would include constitutional monarchy.
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Oliver Cromwell: Hero or Villain? - Dr David Smith Interview
, time: 3:17Was Oliver Cromwell a hero or a villain Essay Example | blogger.com
Oliver Cromwell was an important English military and political leader because of his instinctive ability to lead his men in the English Civil War and his great power and authority as Lord Oliver Cromwell was neither a hero nor a villain. The evidence and opinions gathered will state, how he went from good to bad, and from bad to evil. Oliver Cromwell, was a puritan However. judging from the two opposing positions. it seem imperative to acknowledge him as hero than a villain despite of the propaganda picturing him as ruthless dissembler and as
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