Abraham Lincoln, byname Honest Abe, the Rail-Splitter, or the Great Emancipator, (born February 12, , near Hodgenville, Kentucky, U.S.—died April 15, , Washington, D.C.), 13/01/ · According to Blashfield (), Abraham Lincoln, or Abe, was born on February 12, to Thomas and Nancy Lincoln of Louisville, Kentucky. Since the family had some 31/07/ · Abraham Lincoln was born February 12, , and he lived neared Hodgenville, KY. Abraham was a hardworking person and he was a self-taught farm boy, having no formal
Abraham Lincoln: His Life and Views - Words | Biography Essay Example
Although other states such as Indiana lay claim to his birth, most sources agree that Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12,in a backwoods cabin in Hodgeville, Kentucky. His father Thomas was a farmer who married Nancy Hanks, his mother, in Lincoln had one sister, Sarah, who was born in The Lincoln family was more financially comfortable than most despite the common historical picture of complete poverty, essay on abraham lincoln life. They moved to Indiana because of the shaky system of land titles in Kentucky. The nearest water supply was a mile away, and the family had to survive on the abundance of wild game in the area.
Less than two years after the move to Indiana, Mrs. Thomas Lincoln returned to Kentucky to find a new wife. On December 2 he married Sarah Bush Johnston, a widow with three children, and took them all back to Indiana. Although there were now eight people living in the small shelter, the Lincoln children, especially Abe, adored their new stepmother who played a key role in making sure that Abe at least had some formal education, amounting to a little less than a year in all. To support his family it was necessary that Abe worked for a wage on nearby farms, essay on abraham lincoln life.
Although his formal education had come to an end, his self-education was just beginning, essay on abraham lincoln life. After a three month flatboat journey along the Ohio and Mississippi, the 19 year old Lincoln returned to Indiana with essay on abraham lincoln life enthusiasm for the lifestyles that he had just encountered. Unfortunately, his new-found joy did not last long as his sister Sarah died in childbirth on January 20, In the Lincoln family decided to leave Indiana in hopes of a better future in Illinois. It was soon thereafter that Abraham became a leader in the town of New Salem while operating a store and managing a mill.
The next step for such an ambitious man was obvious—he entered politics, finishing eighth out of thirteen in a race for the Illinois House of Representatives in August of This system that arose from the National Rebublicans of was in opposition to the powerful Democratic party of President Andrew Jackson. Lincoln agreed with Clay that the government should be a positive force with the purpose of serving the people. For eighty days in the spring and early summer of Lincoln served in the military. On a constant search for Black Hawk, war leader of the Sauk and Fox Indianshe never saw any fighting but he did prove to be a superior leader of men in some of the most trying situations, including threats of desertion.
During this time Lincoln ran for and won a seat in the Illinois Legislature with bipartisan support. In Lincoln took his biggest step in essay on abraham lincoln life to that point. He won election to Congress as the only Whig from Illinois. His single term was only memorable in that he took an unpopular stand against President James K, essay on abraham lincoln life. Polk and his Mexican War, which Lincoln saw as unjust. Lincoln made unsuccessful bids for an Illinois Senate seat inrunning as a Whig, and the Vice Presidency inrunning as a Republican. She was like no woman he had ever known before, essay on abraham lincoln life. Her beauty, intelligence, charm, and ability to lead a conversation was enough to cause the usually unemotional Abraham to propose.
Yet he felt he did not love here and they broke essay on abraham lincoln life the engagement. Almost immediately thereafter, Lincoln began to feel terrible guilt and unhappiness over what he had done and what he then realized he had lost. He became so depressed that for a short time many of those around him feared that he was going to commit suicide. Until he longed for her so much that a spark wasreignited between the old lovers and they remarried. Since he honestly did not believe that he had a chance of actually winning the presidency, one of the main essay on abraham lincoln life that he was running was to gain more notoriety for the senatorial. This stand was obviously very attractive to Northern and Western voters.
When election day finally came, Lincoln simply waited, first in his office at the statehouse and later in the telegraph office. However he, did not receive a single vote in ten Southern states, and largely because of his victory, frustrated, humiliated, and defeated Southerners began the process of secession, beginning with South Carolina in Abraham Lincoln was chosen by destiny as the man to lead the Nation through its most trying hour, and it is quite probable that he understood just how trying it would be. In his inaugural address Lincoln attempted to avoid aggravating the slave states that had not yet seceded.
All sided with the Union basically because they were assured by Lincoln that the war was being fought to preserve the Union, and not to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave, I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves, I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone, I would also do that. p Just as he had previously said that he would, on January 1,Abraham Lincoln declared that all slaves residing in states and districts still in rebellion against the United States were to be free. Although this was a bold move meant to upset the Southern war effort, the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation had no immediate affect because it applied only to the Confederate states over which the federal government had no control.
The proclamation did not apply to the slave states under Union control because there was no legal justification for Lincoln to apply it in those places. Lincoln realized that in order to peacefully integrate the former slaves into American society he decided to train them as regular soldiers, and they fought gallantly. Somecolored troops had been enrolled in the Union army by the end of the war. Jefferson Davis, and his war-torn South, essay on abraham lincoln life, had one final hope — the defeat of Lincoln in the election of Davis knew that as long as Lincoln was in the Office, the industrial superior North would continue to fight, and the South could not withstand the war much longer.
Grant and General Sherman. By the time of the election in November, Lincoln won overwhelmingly with of the possible electoral. He stressed that the South should be dealt with mildly in order to bring the entire Nation back together as soon as possible. Essay on abraham lincoln life us all join in doing the acts necessary to restoring the proper practical relations between these states and the Union. It was Good Friday, April 14,only five days after the end of the war. John Wilkes Booth, a staunch Southern supporter, was a well known and popular actor who felt it necessary to redeem the lost cause of the Confederacy.
He had previously planned to kidnap President Lincoln, but when that plan did not work he decided to assassinate him instead. He had the help of three others in his plot, with the intention of also assassinating Vice President Johnson, essay on abraham lincoln life, Secretary Seward, and General Grant. The wounded Lincoln was rushed across the street to the Petersen house where he was attended to for nine hours. After fighting for life like only he could, President Abraham Lincoln passed away at a.
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The Stories Behind the Rare Photos of Abraham Lincoln
, time: 7:25Abraham Lincoln's Life - blogger.com
Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12th, Lincoln was born in Hardin County, Kentucky in a single-room log cabin. Abraham Lincoln was named after his grandfather. His Abraham Lincoln, byname Honest Abe, the Rail-Splitter, or the Great Emancipator, (born February 12, , near Hodgenville, Kentucky, U.S.—died April 15, , Washington, D.C.), 31/07/ · Thomas Lincoln had come to Kentucky from Virginia with his father in He acquired only enough literacy to sign his name but gained modest prosperity as a carpenter
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